Fields are a pretty simple concept. These are your inputs in the backend.
IgnitedCMS ships with a large variety of fields types which includes:
- Plain text
- Rich text
- Date
- Number
- File upload
- Drop Downs
- Check boxes
- Switches
- Matrix
They are pretty easy to use, just make sure each field handle is unique and simply select what options you want to make available to your end user. For example, on the file upload field you can restrict what files the user can upload.
(Field names MUST be unique and must not contain numbers or spaces.)
You can NOT use the following names: [url,content,id,section,field,entrytitle,entryid] - these are system reserved names
Plain text
{{ $fieldHandle }}
Rich text
{{ $fieldHandle }}
{{ $fieldHandle }}
{{ $fieldHandle }}
File Upload
(this returns the file upload url and an alt title if needed)
{{ $fieldHandle['url'] }} {{ $fieldHandle['title'] }}
Drop downs
{{ $fieldHandle }}
(Returns a csv string)
{{ $fieldHandle }}
(returns 'on' or 'off')
{{ $fieldHandle }}
@foreach ($matrixHandle as $row) @if( not_empty('fieldHandle', $row)) {{ print_content('fieldHandle', $row) }} @endif @endforeach