New improved API
A micro javascript framework with no
build steps!
Kamijs is a UI framework for building gorgeous web components with zero build steps.
If you have ever wanted a rich component framework without using a complicated node build step this is for you!


Modern javascript frameworks come with a lot of fatigue. Build steps are becoming increasingly complicated and even getting started can be difficult. Kamijs takes a new approach by simply hotswapping components as and when you need it. With zero build steps it makes for a painless stress free setup.

Simplicity is what everyone loves. No typescript or eslinters. Just rapid frontend development that is a joy to use.

There are no complicated build steps.

Kamijs components have been carefully designed from the ground up to be accessible and performant. By knowing 'tailwind' you can quickly restyle the components to match your theme.

Because Kamijs is just javascript it happens to be framework agnostic. That means you can use it with any popular server side framework, like Laravel, Django, Ruby on rails, Adonisjs, Phoenix elixir, and go etc.

Yes this is licensed under the MIT license, it will remain free to all.